Since 2016 we are working together with Fundación La Semilla, and we have defined five key pillars for our Social Commitment area, that are related to different Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. These are: Education, Environment, Community relations, Donations and Social Support.
Casa matriz +56 (65) 2569600 Chinquihue Km 14 SN, Sector Bahía Chincui, Puerto Montt - Chile.
Planta Chincui +56 (65) 2569600 Chinquihue Km 14 SN, Sector Bahía Chincui, Puerto Montt - Chile.
Hornopirén +56 (65) 2229201 Bernardo Ohiggins, Planta Rio Negro Hornopiren, Chile.
Miami - Oficinas Bluglacier (305) 261 2417 6303 Blue Lagoon Drive Suite 385. Miami, FL 33126 USA..